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2024 Bible Reading Plans

Do you want to read all the way through the Bible in 2024? Now is the perfect time to start a daily Bible reading plan. You don't have to start on January 1st. You can start today! Don't know where to begin? Try one of these specialized plans:
Do you want a simple, straightforward plan? Do you want to read the complete Old Testament once and the New Testament twice? Is that more than you want to attempt? How about a plan that spreads the reading out over three years? Want something in the middle? How about a plan that takes two years? Want to read the whole Bible in one year, but want a five-day weekly reading schedule? Want to read the Bible with major sections grouped together? How about a chronological reading plan? Do you want to start by just reading the New Testament?

There are so many options. In fact, there are even more plans. If you're looking for something else, or want to generate your own plan, you can find even more resources here
Whichever plan you choose, you'll never regret the time you'll spend and the blessings you'll receive when you spend time reading, internalizing, and praying God's Word!

Have you had a Gospel Engagement?

A Gospel Engagement is any encounter you have with a person in the name of Jesus. What does that look like? Acts of kindness where Jesus’ name is spoken. Sharing with someone how Jesus has changed your life. Sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus. Praying with someone (neighbor, co-worker, stranger) who is hurting or curious about God. Inviting or bringing someone with you to church. A Gospel Engagement happens any time you open your mouth with a word of love and truth about Jesus with someone.
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Epiphany Baptist Church


211 1st Avenue West

Springfield, TN 37172

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